What is a poisoned work environment?
A poisoned work environment is one in which the actions or words of an individual cause an offensive atmosphere which negatively affects productivity. This can be done by any individual in the workplace no matter their position in the company. It can be in the form of discrimination, harassment, or behaviour that is inappropriate for a work environment.
Poisoned work environment requirements
A poisoned work environment is created by much more than bad manners or annoying behaviour. Some of the requirements when classifying a workspace as poisoned are:
- hindered performance
- discrimination or harassment
- no effective handling of the issue
- a burden of proof
- a negative impact on workers’ mental health
Learn more about these requirements below.
Hindered work performance
It is safe to assume that a poisoned work environment creates unhappy workers. When workers are not happy, they tend to be less productive, which can affect a company’s overall efficiency. For example, if a worker is getting harassed, they may find it difficult to concentrate, which would then impact their productivity. If the harassment at work continues, the atmosphere of the workplace becomes poisoned and issues continue to arise.
Discrimination or harassment
As described by the Canadian Human Rights Act, it is illegal to treat anyone unfairly on the basis of: race, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, family status, marital status, or disability. If a worker is being discriminated against, not only does this create a poisoned work environment, it can be considered illegal. Harassment, on the other hand, is defined as:
“improper conduct by an individual, that is directed at and offensive to another individual in the workplace, including at any event or any location related to work, and that the individual knew or ought reasonably to have known would cause offence or harm.” (Is it harassment?)
Both offences are considered very serious and should not be seen in any workplace. If either of these offences are seen in a workplace, they should be handled immediately in order to avoid creating a poisoned work environment.
No effective handling of the issue
A workplace can become poisoned when problems are being ignored by management. When issues arise in a workplace, the best thing to do is to deal with it right away. If employers do not take care of the problems in a timely manner, workers will lose trust in management and the workplace can be considered hostile.
A burden of proof
In a hostile work environment, it can be difficult for a worker’s complaints to be recognized by management. Often, the employee has the burden of proof, meaning they have to gather tangible evidence of the misdeeds. When an employee alerts management to a poisonous working environment, all complaints should be taken seriously. If employees are told they need to provide proof of the negative behaviour or atmosphere in the office, it implies that the employee is lying. This can create resentment towards management and the poisonous environment continues to grow.
Negative impact on workers’ mental health
It is important to note that a hostile work environment doesn’t just include how people behave towards each other, but also the overall atmosphere of the workplace. According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), it’s important for employers to protect the mental health of their workers as poor mental health creates an unsafe working environment. For example, if employees are encouraged to work long hours with no or little breaks, their mental health is negatively impacted. This increases the poisonous work environment as workers are under constant stress.
Tips for creating a positive work environment
In order to prevent a hostile work environment, employers can implement certain elements that will combat any issues that may arise. The following are examples of ways you can create a positive work environment.
Value employees
In order to avoid a poisonous work environment, it’s important to establish a respectful relationship with all employees. By showing employees that they are valued, the company can increase morale among workers. One way to do this is to ask their opinions when making certain decisions. By doing this, employees will feel they are a valued member of a team and will want to be more productive.
Promote open communication
One of the ways in which a workplace may become poisonous is due to a lack of communication. Open communication means that management is open to workers talking about issues as they arise. By having a workspace where communication is encouraged, a poisonous work environment can be prevented.
Implement recognition programs
Everyone likes to know when they’ve done a good job, and this goes for work too. By celebrating accomplishments, workers feel appreciated, which can help create a positive work environment. To implement this, try getting workers to set specific goals for their projects, and when they achieve that goal, celebrate it. By acknowledging a job well done, employers are able to ensure that a poisonous work environment will be avoided.
Make work fun
To create a positive work environment, try to implement different social events that employees can attend. Many offices will have regular social gatherings to promote a fun work environment. When workers become friends, they have more job satisfaction, which leads to higher productivity and lower turnover.
Build an environment of trust
It’s very important for workers to feel comfortable with all levels of management in order to build a positive work environment. When all employees are respected, no matter their position in the company, it can help foster a trusting relationship. Showing the importance of respect in a workplace can allow workers to feel at ease and a hostile environment can be avoided. Preventing a poisonous working environment should be considered essential for all companies. A hostile work environment can lead to job dissatisfaction, which in turn causes decreased productivity and increased turnover of staff. This then impacts the company’s bottom line, which is something we all want to avoid. Related articles: