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Our diverse, active talent pool and easy-to-use hiring tools help you find employees for nearly any role, industry, or location.
Reach 580M job seeker profilesIndeed data (worldwide), job seeker accounts that have a unique, verified email address
See top candidates instantly
When you pay to post, you can immediately access candidates whose resumes on Indeed match your job description and invite them to apply.The level of access to Matched Candidates depends on your pricing plan. Jobs with pay-per-click pricing are limited to 30 invites total per account each month. In fact, over
Get matched with quality candidates
We’ll use your job criteria to send you a list of matched candidates.
Invite candidates to apply
If you think someone’s a good fit, send them an invitation to apply.
Review your latest matched candidates
We keep your employer dashboard updated with any new matched candidates we find.
Connect with millions of active job seekers
With Indeed Smart Sourcing, match and connect with quality talent from Indeed’s pool of 245 million resumes.
- 17x Matched candidates you invite to apply are 17x more likely to apply to your job than job seekers who only see it in searchIndeed data (US), August 2023
- 93% of employers claim Indeed delivers the highest quality matches compared to other online job sitesIndeed U.S. Employer Survey, March 2023, (n=600)
- 94% of US employers report saving time hiring through IndeedIndeed U.S. Employer Survey, March 2023, (n=600)
Sponsored Jobs are 5 times more likely to result in a hire*.
Find the employees you’re looking for, faster. Pay to post your job to maximize your job posting’s visibility.
Frequently asked questions about looking for an employee
Yes, you can search our resume database and see a preview of candidates’ resumes. However, you’ll need an Indeed account and an active Indeed Resume subscription to view full resumes and contact candidates.
Finding the right employees starts with targeting the right candidates. Imagine your ideal employee, and write a job description that outlines their skills, work experience, and qualifications. Split your list of requirements into must-haves vs nice-to-haves to encourage a more diverse set of candidates to apply.
Additionally, try Indeed Smart Sourcing to unlock Matched Candidates.
While more people might see your online job post, posting help wanted ads offline can also be effective. You can post help wanted ads in local newspapers, on college campuses or in your business’s window to attract candidates to your open role(s).
Consider cross-posting your job on Indeed and in print if it makes sense for your business.